Next Reality

July 18th, 2022

THE END OF THE MILLENIUM MARKS THE START OF THE NEXT REALITY Reality has never been so clear before. Introducing the next generation of televisions, produced by EeveeEuphoria. New advancements in cathode ray televisions allow for the picture in our televisions to be much sharper than the competition, and to come in more sizes than ever before. Colors more real than reality itself. We are able to produce colors like you've never seen them before, Sunsets and vistas, trees and rivers, and even cats and dogs will look blindly real. Play back your own camcorder's footage through our televisions, and you'll be teleported right back to where you were first recording. Mail in for more information! For more information and a free copy of 'Getting the Most Out of TV, with Anne' ($11.99 value, VHS only), write: EeveeEuphoria Electronic, Department 40-231B P.O. Box 2215 Futurezone, CZ 54211.

