Hi there, I'm Jasmine/Ibly! Pronouns are it/its and she/her! I'm 2X years old, I've been drawing art since December 2013, and I like to do some occasional coding in Lua and Python! I'm also learning Javascript, though mainly just for this website :p
I am part of the plural Xenia System! My headmates are Ami, Jenny, Ky, and Abigail, who's forms are the same as my fursona designs! I'll link to bios for them sometime soon!
I host my blog posts, information about my fursonas, and a gallery with all of my art, right here on my website!
My current projects include What Pokémon Day is it today?, various Sonic Robo Blast 2 projects like SRB2Khaos/SRB2: Chaotic Edition, and my WIP episode Unusuality for Super Mario Bros. X2!
You can check out the updates I've made to this website here!